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Our prayer team takes the power of prayer seriously. Our prayer team is available to pray on location at your home or hospital room if necessary. If you have a prayer request please follow this link to fill out the form on our page and our prayer team will hit their knees and pray!
Our vision is to build lives, one at a time, through helping each person know God’s love and grow in His truth. Many in our community have come from a place of addiction and dysfunction to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Having lived in those dark places we band together in community, learning to live in the light of Christ’s love. Here are resources to help you in your journey toward healing.
Midweek Connect is the best way to spend your Wednesday evening. Together with friends and family, we deviate from the traditional church service to offer a group of classes that are open to all who are interested in finding a place to grow on a spiritual and personal level. We have many offerings throughout the year so check back regularly to see what is happening.