Narcotics Anonymous
Prayer Room 14061 Chestnut Street, Westminster, CA, United StatesNarcotics Anonymous meets in the Prayer Room, upstairs, every Thursday evening at 7:00 pm.
Narcotics Anonymous meets in the Prayer Room, upstairs, every Thursday evening at 7:00 pm.
Men’s AA meets in the Men’s Ministry room (Man cave) every Friday Night at 6:30pm.
Women’s AA meets in the Glass Chapel every Friday Night at 6:30pm
This is a Discipleship Course for MEN. Matthew 28:19 "go into all the world and make disciples". The name Operation Timothy comes from the relationship the Apostle Paul had with […]
Our Motel Ministry reaches out to the working poor and transitional homeless individuals and families in our community. We provide food in connection with our food pantry, clothing, and other […]
Join us for a spirit filled time of worship and teaching.
Join us for a spirit filled time of worship and teaching.
He is Risen! Join us in celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior by inviting your friends and family to an egg hunt and petting zoo immediately after 2nd […]
Steppin' Out is a co-ed open group for those struggling with addiction, their spouses, parents of addicts, and adult children of addicts. It is meant to provide a safe place […]
GriefShare is a 13 week grief recovery support group creating an environment for you to find hope and healing after the death of a loved one. the death of a […]
Every Wednesday night we have opportunities for the whole church family to fellowship, heal, and grow. We meet for worship together and then break up into smaller groups. Most groups […]