Beyond Driven Conference
HisPlace Westminster 14061 Chestnut St., Westminster, CA, United StatesMore info coming soon...
More info coming soon...
Join us for a spirit filled time of worship and teaching.
Join us for a spirit filled time of worship and teaching.
If you are new to His Place and have not attended a "DISCOVER His Place" luncheon we encourage you to join us after 2nd service. This is the place to […]
Steppin' Out is a co-ed open group for those struggling with addiction, their spouses, parents of addicts, and adult children of addicts. It is meant to provide a safe place […]
Every Wednesday night we have opportunities for the whole church family to fellowship, heal, and grow. We meet for worship together and then break up into smaller groups. Most groups […]
Fundamentals of the faith is a Bible study for everybody, new believer's and old alike. We know that when the Holy Spirit applies His Word in your heart, lives are […]
Narcotics Anonymous meets in the Prayer Room, upstairs, every Thursday evening at 7:00 pm.
Serving the food needs of the community every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month.
Men’s AA meets in the Men’s Ministry room (Man cave) every Friday Night at 6:30pm.
Women’s AA meets in the Glass Chapel every Friday Night at 6:30pm