Breakfast Burrito Fundraiser supporting the Tent Outreach

HisPlace Westminster 14061 Chestnut St., Westminster, CA, United States

Jesus loves burritos.........especially when they help feed and take care of his people in need. Please join us for our Breakfast Burrito Fundraiser to support The TENT Revival Outreach and […]


God’s Creepy Creations

HisPlace Westminster 14061 Chestnut St., Westminster, CA, United States

Parents, your children are invited to slither, crawl and jump on over to church on October 27th for a hands-on experience with God's creepy creations. Your children will learn all […]

Event Series Steppin’ Out Recovery

Steppin’ Out Recovery

Men's Room 14061 Chestnut Street, Westminster, CA, United States

Steppin' Out is a co-ed open group for those struggling with addiction, their spouses, parents of addicts, and adult children of addicts. It is meant to provide a safe place […]

Event Series Re-Engage Marriage Group

Re-Engage Marriage Group

HisPlace Westminster 14061 Chestnut St., Westminster, CA, United States

Our New Re-Engage session starts on August 14th for 13 weeks. We will meet for a new season of ReEngage in the Women's room each week at 6:30. Cost is […]

Event Series Midweek Connect

Midweek Connect

HisPlace Westminster 14061 Chestnut St., Westminster, CA, United States

Every Wednesday night we have opportunities for the whole church family to fellowship, heal, and grow. We meet for worship together and then break up into smaller groups. Most groups […]

Event Series Men’s A.A.

Men’s A.A.

Men's Room 14061 Chestnut Street, Westminster, CA, United States

Men’s AA meets in the Men’s Ministry room (Man cave) every Friday Night at 6:30pm.